2024 HOn3 ANNUAL: The new 2024 HOn3 Annual from White River Productions is 116 pages dedicated to HO scale narrow gauge model railroading! Inside you’ll find scratchbuilding projects explained step-by-step, great model railroad photography techniques, model detailing tips from the experts, beautiful narrow gauge layout tours, exciting prototype history from coast to coast, and much, much more. This is your illustrated how-to guide for HO scale narrow gauge model railroading — Get on board today!

So Many Options in HO Narrow Gauge!

So Many Options in HO Narrow Gauge!

If you want to jump in to HO narrow gauge, there are so many great options for track, locomotives, and rolling stock on the market today!

Norman’s Creek: A 12×2 Switching Layout

Norman’s Creek: A 12×2 Switching Layout

A compact 12×2 HOn3 switching layout that includes a small yard and engine servicing facility.

Converting and Modifying an HO Scale Locomotive to HOn3

Converting and Modifying an HO Scale Locomotive to HOn3

Combining a brass White Pass & Yukon “Shovelnose” diesel body with parts from a Kato NW2 to make a reliable HOn3 diesel.

Scratchbuild a 24-Foot Boxcar in HOn3

Scratchbuild a 24-Foot Boxcar in HOn3

This scratchbuilt HOn3 24-foot boxcar was typical of the equipment on The Milwaukee Road’s 3-foot gauge Bellevue & Cascade subsidiary in the 1930s.

Alpine Scale Models Company Houses in HO

Alpine Scale Models Company Houses in HO

By the late 19th and early 20th century long term housing for workers close to the mines, mills and construction projects in the sparsely settled sections of North America led to the development of “company” towns. Alpine Scale Models “Chilao Flats” offers three small cabins and back yard conveniences representing these basic structures that would have housed either four single men or a single family unit.

MicroLux LaserKnife 2525 Laser Cutter

MicroLux LaserKnife 2525 Laser Cutter

With only a few hours of practice, an amazing array of precise parts and models can be created in an almost limitless range of materials. Based on these attributes, Micro-Mark’s LaserKnife will allow the hobbyist to reach new levels with their models and may well prove to be “the ultimate tool” in anyone’s workshop.

Blackstone Models Open Platform Coaches in HOn3

Blackstone Models Open Platform Coaches in HOn3

It may seem hard to imagine today, but once upon a time, the railroads were firmly in the passenger business. The new HOn3 open platform coach from Blackstone Models replicates the most numerous of the Rio Grande’s narrow gauge fleet with impressive fidelity and attention to detail.

Explore the world of White River Productions

  • Model Railroad News
  • Railroad Model Craftsman
  • Railfan & Railroad
  • Passenger Train Journal
  • Trains and Railroads of the Past
  • Railroads Illustrated
  • On30 Annual
  • HOn30 Annual
  • HO Collector