HOn3 Blog
Welcome to the HOn3 Blog, where HOn3 Annual editor Chris Lane will post occasional reflections on the hobby, modeling, and just about anything else he feels like. It’s quite a ride, you won’t want to miss it. All aboard!
October 6, 2024
So Many Options in HO Narrow Gauge!
If you want to jump in to HO narrow gauge, there are so many great options for track, locomotives, and rolling stock on the market today!
November 9, 2022
The Best is Yet to Come
Conventions have returned, and we look forward to seeing you at the National Narrow Gauge Convention in Denver in 2023!
December 15, 2021
Notes From the National Narrow Gauge Convention
To paraphrase the great American writer and humorist Mark Twain, “The reports of the National Narrow Gauge Convention’s death are greatly exaggerated.”
November 30, 2020
Narrow Minded Notes: Get Out of Your Safe Zone
In the coming year, get out of your “safe” techniques, habits and thinking and become adventurous in your narrow gauge modeling.
December 18, 2019
Narrow-Minded Notes: A Look Back and a Look Ahead
As an influencer, you have the power to teach, encourage, promote and grow the narrow gauge hobby and other people’s enjoyment of it.
December 18, 2018
Narrow-Minded Notes: Plan Ahead and Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late
You may be gone, but your spouse, your loved ones, your kids and your friends will still be here and somebody is going to have to deal with all the books and train crap you left behind.